Gluten-free bakeries,
all over France!

Welcome to our page dedicated to gluten-free bakeries! Are you looking for places to enjoy delicious pastries, crispy breads and gourmet pastries without worrying about gluten? You’ve come to the right place!

Our mission is to guide you to the best gluten-free bakeries where you can enjoy quality products without compromising on taste. Whether you are gluten intolerant, celiac or simply looking for healthier options, we have selected and tested for you the most reputable and appreciated addresses.

You will find detailed information on each gluten-free bakery in France, attractive descriptions of the products offered. Whether you are looking for a fondant croissant, a craft bread or a special birthday cake, find THE bakery of your dreams, near you!

Join the Gluten Free community and share your discoveries, ask your questions and explore new gluten-free gourmet addresses near you. With our guide to gluten-free bakeries in France, you will never run out of options to satisfy your sweet cravings, in complete safety and tranquility.

Get ready to feast and discover a world of gluten-free flavors in the best bakeries in your area!

Choisissez votre ville en France

Our selections of bakeries

The best gluten-free bakeries in Aix-en-Provence!

Gluten Free Bakeries in Marseille

My 7 gluten-free bakeries in Lyon!

The top 11 gluten-free bakeries in Paris!

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Your city or country is not listed yet ? Damn! To help me know which French city or which country to reference in priority, do not hesitate to tell me below 🙂 Thank you for your help!

Find even more gluten-free addresses
thanks to the collaborative map!

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