Gluten Free Banana Cake


Preparation time







You don’t know what to do with your bananas lying in your cupboards, and you don’t have much time to cook? Here is the recipe for gluten-free banana cake to prepare in 5 minutes top chrono!

You need very few ingredients, and it’s extremely simple to do!


  • 3 eggs
  • 150 g rice flour
  • 30 g sugar
  • 1 sachet of gluten-free yeast
  • 3 bananas
  • 25g butter
  • 2 tbsp fresh cream. I chose almond cream, it’s delicious!


STEP 1: Pre-heat your oven to 180°. In a saucepan, mash your ripe bananas, then add the 2 tbsp of cream and butter. Bring to a boil.

STEP 2: Meanwhile, in another bowl, mix your eggs, flour, sugar, and yeast. It should give you a crumbly dough, it’s totally normal!

STEP 3: Then add your banana mixture and mix well to have a homogeneous texture.

STEP 4: In a cake pan, put baking paper and pour your gluten-free banana cake preparation. Bake for 45 minutes!

Well, that’s not so bad, right? The heart is quite soft. You can eat it plain, but also with jam, or even melted chocolate, it’s delicious!

For banana bread, there is this recipe that could please you too!


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