Gluten Free Buckwheat Pancake


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It was in the 13th century that the gluten-free (and generally naturally gluten-free) buckwheat pancake appeared in Brittany. We call it: the Breton Galette! You have already tried?

Be careful because in many gluten-free restaurants, they say that buckwheat patties are only made of buckwheat, but this is quite rare! Only in Brittany, some restaurants make them naturally gluten-free. And besides, I do not understand very well why add wheat flour, in something delicious without!

You will see, nothing simpler, and nothing better than these Breton pancakes with black wheat 100% gluten-free.


For 5 people
  • 330g black wheat flour (buckwheat flour)
  • 10g coarse salt
  • 75 cl cold water
  • 1 egg


STEP 1: Mix in a bowl flour and coarse salt. Then add little by little water. Mix well every time you add water.

STEP 2: When your dough is smooth, add a whole egg to give a nice color to the cooking.

STEP 3: After filming your bowl, let the dough rest for 2 hours.

STEP 4: Cook in a hot pan if you do not have a crepe maker. It is still really good in a large pancake pan.

What I liked to do: take a small frying pan, and fry a little dough to make very small patties, to garnish for an aperitif with friends.

It’s up to you.

For a complete pancake (the base of the Bretons), you will need to add an egg, cheese and ham on top of the pancake in the pan. Wait until your egg is cooked and it’s ready! If you want more ideas, feel free to leave a comment. I will be happy to share my recipes 🙂


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