STEP 1 : You will need 3 bowls: in the first, put the flour, in the second beat the two eggs with your fork, in the third, put your breadcrumbs with your spices.
STEP 2: Cut your mozzarella into cubes. You can try to make balls but it may break a little.
STEP 3: Take a cube of mozzarella, roll it in the flour, removing the excess, then in the eggs, then in your breadcrumbs. Again, in flour, in eggs and then in breadcrumbs. Do this with all your mozzarella cubes.
STEP 4: Cooking! Super important step for this recipe! To do this, take a pan and put frying oil, about 4, or 5 cm. Then, to find out if it is at the right temperature, take a wooden spatula, put it in oil and if there are small bubbles that are created around the spatula, is that your oil is perfect!
STEP 5: Cook your cubes of gluten-free mozzarella fritters 4 by 4 maximum. If there is too much in the pan, it may be too oily then. Cook until golden and crispy from the outside.
STEP 6: take them out with a skimmer, then put them on paper towels to remove the excess oil.
Serve hot or cold! According to your desires! Accompany with a tomato sauce, or pesto, it’s not bad too.
So how do you like it? Are you ready to cook these super gluten-free mozzarella donuts?